Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Pretty Shiny Goodness

I believe i am Queen of procrastination, today, i should have been doing college work, yah know, essays and research and shizz, buut nooo, instead i got up at 11, shuffled around the house, watched Juno, then spent about two hours "window shopping" online for clothes. It's terrible, it really is...
As part of my procrastinating, i got the camera, and took pictures of mothers jewelry, much to her displeasure. Thing is, whilst she complains on my baking 'ability' i complain about her jewelry making ability. Such is life, enough with the rambling, i show you pictures of pretty stuff she's made, and some cool beads i wanna steal....

This one is all mine, and i love it ^^, the beads were a random find and the chain was hanging around, so, mother put both together and its a favorite.

So, not mine, but it's pretty cool, 5 strands of memory wire all tied together, tis very lovely.

Now, i would just be happy to have a few bead bracelets made outta the smaller beads, but i really want the white one with the flowers on it :P

See, s'not all about me :P, ha, well, back to erm, work then...
Cheers xx


  1. the first one is my fav - its gorgeous

  2. Some really pretty things here.
    Love the first one.
